Why Choose CodeSecure?

We protect everyone. Everywhere there’s code.


  • 35 years of experience with the DoD research division
  • Cutting-edge source and binary analysis finds the most vulnerabilities


  • Software that’s safer and less prone to failure or bugs than the competition
  • Trusted by large, global organizations with their reputations on the line


  • Products built for a modern day development and DevSecOps environment
  • Intuitive solutions integrate with existing tools and don’t disrupt workflow


  • Concierge-style customer service around the world
  • Hundreds of global organizations depend on our collaborative team of problem solvers


Vulnerability Detection + Tool Integration + Developer Speed

Support for industry standards and frameworks

  • ISO 26262, IEC 61508, CENELEC EN 50128, DO 178C
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Developer-friendly interface

  • IDE support for Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio & Visual Studio Code
  • Warnings reflected in source code
  • Clear explanations with path information facilitate remediation
  • Whole program navigation and visualization

Seamlessly integrates into DevSecOps and CI/CD workflow

  • Automate continuous code analysis
  • Warning tracking with suppression
  • GitLab, GitHub, Gerrit, BitBucket and Jenkins integration
  • Open API to integrate into any CI/CD environment

Customizable to meet specific requirements

  • Tunable to project security needs
  • Shift Left support promotes security by design
  • Higher quality and more secure code by detecting and remediating errors and vulnerabilities sooner

Multi-language static analysis platform with abstract execution

  • C/C++, C#, Java, Android, Intel-32/64, ARMv7, ARMv8

Compiler Model Support
ARM Real View and Clang, Borland, Clang, CodeVision, Cosmic, Freescale CodeWarrior, Green Hills, Gnu, Keil, Hi-Tech, IAR, Intel, Microsoft, MPLAB, QNX, Renasas, SHARC, TigerSHARC, Blackfin, Tasking, Texas Instruments, Wind River

On-Premises and Hybrid Cloud

  • Support for on-prem and air-gapped as well as public and private cloud deployments
  • Support for IaC


Advanced software supply chain security platform.

Binary Software Composition Analysis

  • Identify open-source components in software binaries (commercial/in-house)
  • Requires no source code, analyzes code “as built” or “as deployed”
  • Checks security attributes
  • Detects N-day and Zero-day vulnerabilities and ranks by criticality
  • Comprehensive vulnerability database provides intelligence and remediation recommendations

API-First Approach

  • Allows integration with internal and external systems including ticketing, vulnerability management and SBOM management platforms
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Software Bill of Materials

  • Generates software bill of materials (SBOM) with flexible export and standard formats (SPDX, CycloneDX, VEX, other)

License information

  • Checks component license information
  • Ensures compliance and reduces risk of unlicensed software, whether released or consumed

On-Prem or SaaS deployment
Supports on-prem, air-gapped as well as private or public cloud deployments

Support multiple environments

  • Endpoints, Mobile Devices, Embedded Systems, & Firmware
  • Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS
  • Docker containers

Compliance driven

  • Compliance to federal requirements set forth in EO 14028 and OMB Memo on Enhancing the Security of the Software Supply Chain
  • Built to support software producer as well as software consumer scenarios
  • Supports Third Party Risk Management programs

Use by Customers in various industries

  • Government / Defense
  • Automotive and Transportation
  • Aerospace
  • Consumer / Electronics
  • Enterprise Software
  • Government
  • Industrial
  • Medical
  • Telecom

Use Cases

Regulatory Compliance

  • In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated, ensuring the cybersecurity of connected devices and medical devices is paramount. Regulatory bodies like the FDA and the EU Cyber Resiliency Act (CRA) have recognized this necessity, introducing stringent guidelines to safeguard patient safety and data integrity.
  • In meeting these regulations companies are turning to Binary Composition Analysis (BCA) to create and manage Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs).  By creating the SBOM at the post production phase of the software development cycle, manufacturers will more accurately comply with regulations and also enhance their overall security posture.

Comply with Functional Safety Standards

  • Static analysis is an important technology for developing software that needs to achieve high levels of functional safety. CodeSonar is pre-qualified for the highest levels of safety for the IEC 61508, ISO 26262, and CENELEC EN 50128 standards by Exida. Artifacts for qualification according to DO-178C / DO-330 are also available.

Standards Compliance

  • Deliver Safe, Secure, and Compliant Software at the Speed of Innovation
  • Meet Functional Safety Certifications

Software Assurance

  • Help Teams Deliver Secure, Safe, and Trustworthy Software Systems
  • Application Security Analysis
    Only 15% of today’s development teams analyze all of their critical code, leaving 70% of all IoT devices vulnerable to security breaches. Use CodeSonar to find security, compliance, and harmful coding bugs left behind.
  • CodeSentry
    Today’s applications leverage 3rd-party code to accelerate time-to-market. But at what risk? CodeSecure’s binary analysis detects critical vulnerabilities in 3rd-party applications and linked libraries without their source code.

Software Security

  • Delivering Complex Software in Shorter Time
  • Software development teams are continually pushed to deliver more complex software systems in a shorter time with fewer resources. Security adds a new dimension of cost, complexity, and risk to software development.
  • The realization here is that a security failure is the same, or worse, as a quality or safety failure. Security is a differentiator but not at the expense of innovation and time to market. 
  • CodeSecure offers multiple tools to help improve software security across the software development lifecycle from the software supply chain, coding and testing, and product delivery and acceptance.

Software Supply Chain Security

  • Assure Third-Party Software Security When Source Code Isn’t Available
  • CodeSentry is a Binary SCA solution that produces a SBoM without the need for source code. Binary SCA analyzes compiled code to identify open source components used by your vendors and suppliers then map them to the industry’s most complete and timely vulnerability and license database.

COTS Security

  • Gain Visibility to Risk in Licensed Software
  • Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software applications are a part of every organization. Vulnerabilities in this software present risks to your organization, not the vendors’. This includes vulnerabilities in the open-source components your COTS providers use.


  • Produce SBOMs From Binaries to Self-Attest as a Software Vendor or Verify Third-Party Software as a Consumer.
  • Comply with Regulatory and Customer Requirements


  • Deliver Secure Software at the Speed of Innovation
  • Software development teams are continually pushed to deliver more complex software systems in shorter time with fewer resources. Security adds a new dimension of cost, complexity, and risk to software development. To address this, DevSecOps improves the DevOps pipeline to where security is a critical part of the development process.
  • Making security part of your DevOps pipeline requires careful planning, expertise and the right automation support.
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