PEAK-System Technik is a leading provider of hardware, software, and services for the industrial communication. The focus is on the field busses CAN and LIN. The product range includes: CAN/LIN interface modules for common PC hardware interfaces (PCI, cPCI, Mini PCI, PCIe, PC/104, USB, PC Card, and ExpressCard), Configurable microcontroller hardware with CAN interfaces for individual developments, measurement data acquisition, and control applications, Various software products for Windows® 7, Vista, and XP, used for diagnosis, monitoring, and influencing of CAN and LIN networks
PC CAN Softwares
Development Packages
The PCAN-Basic API (application programming interface) allows easy development of powerful software with CAN and CAN FD support. It includes all of the functions that an application needs in order to communicate with PCAN PC hardware. The cross-operating-system design makes it possible to easily port software projects between platforms.
PCAN-Basic consists of the actual device driver and an interface DLL, which provides the API functions.

The professional programming interface PCAN-API of the PCAN-Developer package makes it possible to create complex Windows® applications with CAN and CAN FD support. The API (Application Programming Interface) provides an extensive function library using interface DLLs for 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
Unlike PCAN-Basic, the CAN communication is handled by Clients and offers significant advantages. Thus, not only a single but multiple applications can access a physical CAN channel. Furthermore, it works even without hardware: Via virtual connections, Clients establish a simulated CAN communication among Windows® applications.

The Recommended Practice 1210 was defined by the Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC) as a standardized API for communication between Windows® applications and communication networks in vehicles.
The PCAN-RP1210 API by PEAK-System is an implementation of the RP1210 versions A and C with support for CAN and SAE J1939 networks. Thus, the API makes it possible to develop own RP1210 applications and to use already existing ones with CAN interfaces by PEAK-System.

The PCAN-CCP API is a programming interface for the communication between Windows® applications (Masters) and electronic control units (Slave ECUs). The API is based on the CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP) by ASAM and is mainly deployed for development in the automotive area. The PCAN-CCP API uses the CAN bus as transmission medium.
For accessing the CAN hardware in the computer, PCAN-CCP utilizes the programming interface PCAN-Basic, which is part of the scope of supply of every CAN interface from PEAK-System. The PCAN-CCP API package is available free of charge.

The PCAN-XCP API is a programming interface for the communication between Windows® applications (Masters) and electronic control units (Slave ECUs). The Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol (XCP) is a further development of the CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP) by ASAM. XCP supports multiple transmission mediums, but is not compatible to CCP.
For accessing the CAN hardware in the computer, PCAN-XCP utilizes the programming interface PCAN-Basic, which is part of the scope of supply of every CAN interface from PEAK-System. The PCAN-XCP API package is available free of charge.

For the programming of control units (ECU), there are countless applications from various manufacturers which are used in the development and diagnosis of vehicle electronics. The interface for the communication between these applications and the control units is defined by the international standard SAE J2534 (Pass-Thru). Thus, the hardware for the connection to the control unit can be selected regardless of its manufacturer.
PCAN-PassThru allows the use of SAE J2534-based applications with CAN adapters from PEAK-System.

ISO-TP (ISO 15765-2) is an international standard for the transfer of data packages via CAN. Above CAN (OSI layers 1 and 2), the protocol covers the OSI layers 3 (Network Layer) and 4 (Transport Layer). It can transmit data packages of up to 4095 bytes per CAN message. The data bytes are transmitted segmented with multiple CAN frames.
The PCAN-ISO-TP API implements the functionality of the standard on the basis of 10 functions. They are categorized in Allocation, Configuration, Address Mapping Configuration, Information, and Communication.
PCAN-ISO-TP uses the PCAN-Basic programming interface to access the CAN hardware in the computer. PCAN-Basic is supplied with each CAN interface of PEAK-System.

UDS (ISO 14229-1) stands for Unified Diagnostic Services and defines the communication with control units (ECUs). The Windows® software tests the controller using various services. The process is done on the client-server principle where the program is in the position of the client (also called tester). UDS uses the ISO-TP standard as transport protocol, thus UDS can transmit data blocks of up to 4095 bytes size. Besides the exchange of maintenance information, for example, the transfer of firmware is possible.
The PCAN-UDS API implements the functionality of the standard on the basis of 8 functions. They are categorized in Tester Allocation, Configuration, Information, Utilities, Services, and Communication.

For on-board diagnostics, the OBD-2 standard defines the exchange of specific vehicle parameters. The client makes a request on the connected control units (ECUs) in the vehicle to which one or several ECUs are answering. As part of OBD-2, the ISO 15765-4 standard describes the CAN bus as a transmission option.
The PCAN-OBD-2 API implements the functionality of the standard on the basis of 15 functions. They are categorized in Tester Allocation, Configuration, Information, Services, and Communication.
According to ISO 15765-4, OBD-2 is based on UDS. Analog to this, PCAN-OBD-2 uses the PCAN-UDS programming interface for the exchange of diagnostic data.

LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a serial network protocol which is characterized by a master-slave architecture and transmission patterns. The master regulates the bus access and controls the communication of up to 16 participants. Only when the master prompts a slave, the latter is allowed to transmit its stored information. On each request of the master, answers defined within a schedule table follow in a fixed time sequence.
LIN was introduced by five automobile manufacturers in 1999 and further developed under the supervision of the LIN Consortium. Until today, the LIN bus has proven itself to be a cost-effective alternative to the CAN bus for networking sensors and actuators in vehicles, such as seat, door, mirror, and climate controls.

The LabVIEW drivers from KDI - Kunze Digital Instrumentation support the development environments PCAN-Basic and PCAN-Developer.

PC Software
The software PCAN-View for Windows® is a simple CAN monitor for viewing, transmitting, and recording CAN data traffic. Messages can be transmitted manually and periodically at a user-determined bit rate. Bus system errors and memory overflows in the CAN hardware are displayed during the process. The trace function can be used to record and save CAN data traffic.
PCAN-View is supplied with every PCAN PC hardware product and allows a quick and easy start. All available PEAK CAN interfaces are listed in the connection dialog. After selecting the hardware and the bit rate, the user can access all the software functions, hardware-specific settings, and information.

The LIN monitor PLIN-View Pro for Windows® is supplied with every PC LIN interface from PEAK-System. Incoming LIN messages can be viewed using this software, with the use of LDF files (LIN Description File) allowing the symbolic depiction of LIN messages. Outgoing LIN frames can be defined depending on the master or slave operation mode.
PLIN-View Pro also accesses the LIN functionality of the supported hardware, such as the on-board scheduler or automatic bit rate detection.

The Bit Rate Calculation Tool determines the register values of the CAN controller for the desired CAN and CAN FD bit rates. Various parameters such as clock frequencies and sample points can be selected to further narrow down the list of results. An optional tolerance of up to 5 % can be defined to include nearby results in the evaluation. The bit timing values contained in the results (BRP, TSEG1, TSEG2, and SJW) can be stored and loaded for viewing across platforms. In the Android and iOS versions, it is also possible to forward the results directly from the app via e-mail. Furthermore, in the Windows application, individual lines can be copied from the result list to the clipboard to use their bitrate values in the PCAN-Basic API and applications based on it. The transmission rate calculation supports engineers in planning and optimizing classical CAN and modern CAN FD networks. The Bit Rate Calculation Tool is available free of charge for Android, iOS and Windows®.

The PCAN-MicroMod Configuration software can be used to configure all products based on the PCAN-MicroMod. Specific configuration options are available for the PCAN-MicroMod itself, the motherboards, and the Evaluation board, depending on the hardware in use.
Configuration data is transmitted to the module via CAN. Use of unique module IDs allows independent configuration of multiple devices on a single CAN bus.

PPCAN-Editor 2 software enables detailed configuration of various I/O modules with CAN connections, such as PCAN-MIO, PCAN-Router Pro, and MU-Thermocouple1 CAN.
This type of configuration process begins with the definition of incoming and outgoing CAN messages. Then, depending on the hardware, the user has a number of different function blocks and other settings available for processing CAN data traffic. Finally, the configuration data is transmitted to the module using CAN. This step requires a PEAK CAN interface.

PCAN-Light for LINUX is the easy to use software interface for CAN hardware by PEAK-System.
The PCAN drivers for LINUX work with Kernel versions 2.4 up to 4.x The complete package is distributed under the GPL.
Having developed QNX driver for PCAN cards, the company STEINHOFF Automation & Fieldbus-Systems GmbH is in a position to offer you these components as a package. The following cards are currently supported:
- PCAN-PC/104-Plus
- PCAN-PCI Express
- PCAN-miniPCIe

The PCBUSB library from UV Software realizes a “PCAN-USB Driver” for OS X using Apple´s IOUSBKit. The API comes with an Objective-C wrapper and the software MacCAN, that demonstrates the functionality of the library.

The German company toem GmbH, located in Solingen, has developed an extension for CAN, CAN FD, and SocketCAN for its Eclipse plugin impulse. Based on the integration of the PCAN-Basic API, all interfaces from PEAK-System are supported. Thanks to the impulse CANBus Extension, software developers can evaluate, display, and process CAN data from one or more CAN and CAN FD buses simultaneously within the Eclipse environment. Concretely, incoming and outgoing CAN messages can be displayed as analog and digital signals, value tables and diagrams. In addition, message content such as bits, integers, and texts can be extracted and recorded.
Furthermore, the creation of symbols or the import from symbol files of versions 5 and 6 is possible. Besides the determination of variables and filters, impulse also offers the possibility of scripting, for example, to send messages or to handle incoming messages in a user-defined way. Linux developers can compile the CAN bus connectivity themselves if required.

Use PEAK-System CAN devices to stream CAN bus data into MATLAB and Simulink.
The protocols FMS (Fleet Management System) and Bus-FMS provide a manufacturer-independent interface for reading vehicle-specific CAN data on heavy commercial vehicles and busses. The extensive and continually growing support of leading commercial vehicle and bus manufacturers allows cross-market telematics applications to be implemented.
For these types of developments, the PCAN-FMS Simulator 2 application made by PEAK-System provides the simulation of both standards in a single software application with an easy-to-use graphical user interface.

The PCAN-Trace program is a data logger for up to 9,999,000 CAN messages. It enables CAN messages to be quickly recorded, saved, and even played back on the CAN bus. The program displays the number of received messages and identifies the types of the messages (data frame, error frame, RTR frame).
CAN messages can be recorded or replayed in linear or ring buffer mode. PCAN-Trace also provides an option to play back CAN messages in single step mode. You can also simplify analysis and tracing by setting playback mode breakpoints.

The symbol format developed by PEAK-System translates the hexadecimal display used for CAN data traffic into a format that the user can understand.
To create a symbol, names are first assigned to the individual CAN IDs. The interpretation and presentation of CAN data is defined using variables with various parameters, such as name and output format. The symbol created in this manner enables easy allocation of incoming and outgoing CAN messages and ensures that the CAN data is readable.
The free PCAN-Symbol Editor uses clearly structured menus and a graphical representation of symbols to enable convenient creation and editing of symbol files.

The symbol format developed by PEAK-System translates the hexadecimal display used for CAN data traffic into a format that the user can understand.
To create a symbol, names are first assigned to the individual CAN IDs. The interpretation and presentation of CAN data is defined using variables with various parameters, such as name and output format. The symbol created in this manner enables easy allocation of incoming and outgoing CAN messages and ensures that the CAN data is readable.
The free PCAN-Symbol Editor uses clearly structured menus and a graphical representation of symbols to enable convenient creation and editing of Symbol files.

The PCAN-Explorer 6 is a versatile, professional program for working with CAN and CAN FD networks. The user is not just limited to the observation of the CAN traffic. Manual or periodic transmission of messages or entire transmission lists allows him a direct influence, for example, for control purposes or simulations.
The PCAN-Explorer 6 can connect to several CAN and CAN FD busses at the same time. Unlike previous versions, the hardware type of used CAN adapters is no longer a limiting factor.

PCAN-Explorer 6: Plotter Add-in 6
The Plotter Add-in allows the recording and graphical representation of any number of signal courses. Signal sources can be the data from incoming and outgoing CAN messages as well as virtual variables and results from macro calculations.
Plot Viewer: The free Windows® software Plot Viewer enables the display of the records without an installation of PCAN-Explorer.

PCAN-Explorer 6: Instruments Panel Add-in 6
The Instruments Panel Add-in allows the graphical representation of digital and analog signals using different display instruments. The integrated input options and controllers make it possible to also generate signals on the CAN bus, allowing easy simulation of complex CAN applications.

PCAN-Explorer 6: CANdb Import Add-in 6
The CANdb format is a common data description format for CAN bus information in the car industry.
CANdb Import allows the import of CANdb files. This is a useful function for all those who do not want to manually transcribe their database into the PCAN-Explorer symbol format.

PCAN-Explorer 6: J1939 Add-in 6
The SAE J1939 network protocol describes communication on a CAN bus in utility vehicles for the transmission of diagnostics data and control information. It contains a complete network definition using 29-bit CAN IDs (CAN 2.0B Extended Frame).
The J1939 Add-in for PCAN-Explorer supports all definitions established by the standard’s parameter groups and provides a simple means of accessing the parameters. A database with all the definitions and parameters contained is also supplied.

PCAN-Explorer is a universal tool for monitoring data traffic on a CAN network. For easy and clear allocation of the individual messages, these can be identified as so-called symbols. The integrated VBScript support allows the creation of macros to automate complex tasks. The integrated data logger means that the data traffic of a bus can be recorded, analyzed, and stored. PCAN-Explorer is designed as automation server and can therefore be remote controlled through scripts.

PCAN-Explorer 5: Plotter Add-in 2
The Plotter add-in allows the recording and graphical representation of any number of signal sequences. Signal sources can be the data from incoming and outgoing CAN messages as well as virtual variables and results from macro calculations.
Plot Viewer: The free Windows® software Plot Viewer enables the display of the records without an installation of PCAN-Explorer.

PCAN-Explorer 5: Instruments Panel Add-in 3
The Instruments Panel add-in allows the graphic representation of digital and analog signals using different display instruments. The integrated enter options and controllers mean that signals can also be produced on the CAN-bus, allowing easy simulation of complex CAN applications.

PCAN-Explorer 5: CANdb Import Add-in 3
The CANdb format is a common data description format for CAN-bus information in the car industry.
CANdb Import allows the import of CANdb files. This is a useful function for all those who do not want to manually transcribe their database into the PCAN-Explorer symbol format.

The SAE J1939 network protocol describes communication on a CAN bus in utility vehicles for the transmission of diagnostics data and control information. It contains a complete network definition using 29-bit CAN-IDs (CAN 2.0B Extended Frame).
The J1939 add-in for PCAN-Explorer 5 supports all definitions established by the standard’s parameter groups and provides a simple means of accessing the parameters. A complete database of all the definitions and the parameters contained is also supplied.