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- Customers Winning with Intel Software Tools
- - Intel® Parallel Studio XE
- - Intel® System Studio
- - Intel® Media Server Studio
- - Intel® OpenVINO™ Toolkit
- - Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library
- - Intel® Distribution for Python*
- - Intel® Inspector XE
- - Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
- - Intel® Math Kernel Library
- - Intel® Media SDK
- - Intel® MPI Library
- - Intel® Threading Building Blocks
- - Intel® VTune™ Amplifer
- ESS Intel HPC Academic Solutions
- Intel Software and HPC Trainings
- Intel Python and AI Training
- Intel Tools on AWS
- Intel IoT & AI Solutions
Winning With Intel Software Tools – Customer Success Stories
Intel® Parallel Studio XE
Altair advances frontal crash simulation with help from Intel® Software Development products.

CADEX Resolves the Challenges of CAD Format Conversion:
Parallelism Brings CAD Exchanger* software dramatic gains in performance and user satisfaction, plus a competitive advantage .

Envivio Helps Ensure the Best Video Quality and Performance
Intel® Parallel Studio XE helps Envivio create safe and secured code.

Intel® System Studio
CID Wireless boosts performance for its LTE reference design code by 6x compared to the plain C code implementation.

GeoVision turbo-charges its deep learning facial recognition solution using Intel® System Studio and the OpenVINO™ toolkit..

NERSC Optimizes Application Performance with Roofline Analysis:
NERSC boosts the performance of its scientific applications on Intel® Xeon Phi™ processors up to 35% using Intel® Advisor.

Intel® Media Server Studio
ActiveVideo boosts the scalability and efficiency of its cloud-based virtual set-top box solutions for TV guides, online video, and interactive TV advertising using Intel® Media Server Studio.

Kraftway: Video Analytics at the Edge of the Network:
Today’s sensing, processing, storage, and connectivity technologies enable the next step in distributed video analytics, where each camera itself is a server. With Kraftway* video software platforms can encode up to three 1080p60 streams at different bit rates with close to zero CPU load.

Slomo.tv Delivers Game-Changing Video:
Slomo.tv's new video replay solutions, built with the latest Intel® technologies, can help resolve challenging game calls.

OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Intel® Math Kernel Library and OpenVINO™ toolkit help bring the power of AI to clinical diagnostic scanning and other healthcare workflows.

GeoVision turbo-charges its deep learning facial recognition solution using Intel® System Studio and the OpenVINO™ toolkit..

Intel® Data Analytics Acceleration Library
MeritData Inc. improves performance—and the potential for big data algorithms and visualization..

Intel® Distribution for Python*
DATADVANCE discovers that Intel® Distribution for Python* outpaces standard Python.

Intel® Inspector XE
Parallelism Brings CAD Exchanger* software dramatic gains in performance and user satisfaction, plus a competitive advantage.

Intel® Parallel Studio XE helps Envivio create safe and secured code.

ESI Group Designs Quiet Products Faster:
ESI Group achieves up to 450 percent faster performance on quad-core processors with help from Intel® Parallel Studio.

Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives
JD.com Speeds Image Processing 17x, handling 300,000 images in 162 seconds instead of 2,800 seconds, with Intel® C++ Compiler and Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives.

Tencent doubles the speed of its illegal image filtering system using SIMD Instruction Set and Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives.

Intel worked with Tencent engineers to optimize the way the company processes millions of images each day, using Intel® Integrated Performance Primitives to achieve a 2x performance improvement.

Intel® Math Kernel Library
Intel® Math Kernel Library helps speed deep learning throughput for efficient, high-qualitiy, and cost-effective eye health screening.

DreamWorks Animation’s Puss in Boots uses Intel® Math Kernel Library to help create dazzling special effects.

GeoVision turbo-charges its deep learning facial recognition solution using Intel® System Studio and the OpenVINO™ toolkit..

Intel® Media SDK
NetUP uses Intel® Media SDK to help bring the Rio Olympic Games to a worldwide audience of millions.

Intel® MPI Library
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology creates faster and more accurate computational fluid dynamics software with help from Intel® Math Kernel Library and Intel® C++ Compiler.

Intel® Software Development tools increase application performance and productivity for a San Diego-based supercomputer center.

Intel® Threading Building Blocks
Parallelism Brings CAD Exchanger* software dramatic gains in performance and user satisfaction, plus a competitive advantage.

Johns Hopkins University increases the performance of its open-source Bowtie 2* application by adding multi-core parallelism.

Thermal simulations with Intel® Software Development Tools deliver a performance boost for faster time to market.

Intel® VTune™ Amplifer
Parallelism Brings CAD Exchanger* software dramatic gains in performance and user satisfaction, plus a competitive advantage.

F5 Networks amps up its BIG-IP DNS* solution for developers with help from Intel® Parallel Studio and Intel® VTune™ Amplifer.

GeoVision turbo-charges its deep learning facial recognition solution using Intel® System Studio and the OpenVINO™ toolkit..