NVMe Plugfest Testing

The hot-plug challenge
Hot-plug of PCIe devices is a fairly new requirement, and not all devices and hosts are fully compliant yet. In addition, the number of test scenarios required for a pass at future Plugfests is likely to increase year-on-year.
As of Plugfest #4 (June 2015), a simple set of hot-plug scenarios needed to be passed. Hot-plugging a PCIe device is a complex test scenario; not everyone passed the test station at Plugfest #4.
Plugfest #5 (February 2016) saw an extension of the testing, requiring multiple insertion–removal cycles, for each of four different hot-swap speeds. This significantly increased the chances of spotting failures in the hot-plug process.
The tests are undoubtedly going to get more rigorous at future Plugfests, so now is the time to get on top of your testing and be confidant that your device meets the specification!
David Woolf, Research and Development of Storage and Mobile Technologies, UNH-IOL
The best way to ensure a pass at Plugfest is to do plenty of testing in advance! Here’s what you’ll need to run the tests in your own lab: