Flux Motors
FluxMotor is a flexible software solution dedicated to the pre-design of electric motor. It enables engineers to easily design their machines from standard, customized and parametric parts, add windings with multi-level assistant and attribute materials to quickly run a selection of tests and compare their performance.
The design of a high-performance e-Motor is a complex undertaking. Engineers have conflicting constraints to consider including efficiency, temperature, weight, size and cost. To explore more ideas, better understand their designs and improve performance, Altair HyperWorks has a workflow to guide motor designers through an efficient process of Simulation-Driven Design. This analysis and optimization solution supports multi-disciplinary teamwork and reduces design times.
Demo Videos
AltairFlux_Workshop-PMSM-IPM-Design and Analysis
AltairFlux_Workshop-Focus on Emobility
AltairFlux Motor Cost and Weight Reduction
CaseStudy-Optimization of Motors
NVH Optimization for Electric Vehicles
Altair Flux Application Brochure
Altair Flux Actuator Design Tutorial
Altair Flux Webinar-Sensor and Actuator design
Altair Flux Guide Designing reliable -mv-hv-powergrid equipment
Transformer, Power cables
Altair Flux
Role of Simulation for the Design of Power Transformers
- Deep insight in the physics of the transformer operation
- Precise losses (in copper and iron) localization and identification
- Optimization of the efficiency
- Decreasing insulation distance
- Decreasing raw material cost(iron, copper...)
- Going further than analytical formulae

What Flux offers to the industry?
- Virtual testing of the transformer
- Specific and physical models for accurate computation of losses
- Prevent insulation problems
- Multiphysics coupling for a complete design
- Design exploration and optimization

Flux is a general purpose – FEA(Finite Element Analysis) based electromagnetic- thermal simulation tool.
It is a versatile, efficient and user-friendly tool that will help to generate optimized and high-performance products, in less time and with fewer prototypes. Together with a highly qualified support network and a strong community of users, Altair and its Flux team provide recognized expertise.
Multiphysics analysis in single-license enables best-in-class solutions for solving complex multidisciplinary and multiphysics analysis and design problems involving combinations of phenomena including motors, vibrations, temperature, multibody systems, controls, and electromagnetics. All solutions are intended to be used in the design of complex products, and are, therefore, tightly integrated with multidisciplinary optimization.
Power Cables
- Electric Characteristics (inductance, capacitance etc ..)
- Skin and proximity effects
- Joule losses
- Temperature rise
- Electric Stress
- Radiated field

Sensors and Actuators
Magnetic sensors are used in a wide range of applications in every field, including industry, transport and building. The role of the sensor is often crucial for the proper functioning of systems or for the safety of people, for example Antilock Braking Systems sensor (ABS), camshaft sensor or machine tool sensor, etc. electromagnetic actuation is commonly used for control and safety in many different industries. Even if the technology is well known, the introduction of electronics or permanent magnets allows for performance improvement, for example to open/close faster or to reduce the energy consumption of the actuator. For each application, those devices have to respect precise specifications, such as detection range, measurement error, condition of operation (temperature range), response time, and energy consumption.

Induction in the core of a current sensor

Adaptive solving in Flux 3D magneto-static
Flux, based on the Finite Element Method, ultimately matches the analysis, design and optimization needs of magnetic sensors & actuators, making accurate virtual prototyping possible and avoiding multiple mock-ups. Thanks to advanced modelling techniques taking into account material non-linearities, Eddy currents, circuit coupling and motion with mechanical loads, Flux allows studying efficiently and completely the behaviour of magnetic sensor. Easy to use, Flux gives a direct access to all the results such as electromagnetic quantities (flux density, currents, losses, current density), mechanical quantities (position, speed, force or torque) and electrical quantities (current, voltage, inductance, resistance) with various formats: point values, colour- shaded maps, isolines, arrows distribution, 2D/3D curves, animations, export to Excel, automatic report, and more others tools to go deeper in your analysis.